Three Tips for Good SEO

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Search engine optimization, SEO, is the process of making sure your website gets traffic by being displayed prominently on different search engines like Google Chrome, Bing, or Firefox. Having relevant content that users are searching for will help you get a coveted spot for free. You can purchase paid ads, but that’s a different subject.

So, how do I make sure people can find my site?

There’s a lot that goes into professional SEO work, but we will give you a few tips on what you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your website.

Newer versions of WordPress come with pretty decent SEO out of the box, without much effort needed. That’s part of what makes it our preferred platform. These three tips can help give you a competitive edge.

1.) Start a blog. Blogging can help in a myriad of ways. Provide a sneak peak of your services, establish credibility with potential customers, and create content that can be linked back to across the web. Edit permalinks from the default ‘?p=[id]‘ to ‘’

2.) Install an SEO plugin. A plugin can help guide you in how to optimize your pages and blog posts, and give you an alert for any glaring errors, and help you fill in metadata. We like:

Yoast SEO

All In One SEO Pack

3.) Use alt tags for images and videos. Describe visual and video media using alt tags, which are alternative text descriptions. This allows search engines to locate your page, and it helps give descriptors for people who use text-only browsers and visually impaired people who use screen readers.

Elements of a Good Website

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Hoping to revamp your website? We’ve compiled a list things to consider before building your first website, or revamping an old design.

Ease of use
Keep your site easy to navigate, and content should be short and sweet. Don’t get caught up adding bells and whistles and forget crucial business information like contact info, hours, and the physical address of your business.

Content structure
Your site should be “wide and shallow” meaning the first level is for those who know what they want and decide quickly. The second level is for consumers who need detailed points to be convinced. Keep paragraphs to three lines deep, or less. Good website structure will also enhance search engine optimization (SEO.)

cicada-principles-of-good-content-structure Chart from Cicada Online.

Have a clear call to action (CTA)

A call to action is an instruction to people visiting your website such as “subscribe now” or “click here.” As Kathryn Aragon points out, CTAs have three key elements: “A no obligation statement that removes or reduces risk, tell people what to do next [click the button below], and encourage people to respond right away.” 

Social media buttons
Connecting to your businesses social media accounts helps you market your business to new clients, will keep you top of mind for established clients, and leads to improved SEO. Make sure you are actively updating content, it’s worth the investment. Utilizing a website like Hootsuite can help you save time by scheduling multiple updates at once.

Zig when everyone else zags

As large header background images have become popular, some sites are standing out by using bold, sparse text only. Check out the refreshing simplicity of this front page:

The New Wave Company

As an added benefit, simplicity can lead to faster load times. A one second delay can cause a 7% loss in customer conversion TagMan explains. Good hosting is another key factor to keeping up speed. Paying $4/mo for hosting is tempting for small budgets, but poor hosting can also affect your rank in search engines since many search engine algorithms detect webpage loading speed.

A good website is part careful planning, intuitive design, and logical organization.

Some useful tips on creating swatches…

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Some useful tips on creating swatches for your website by pulling colors from photographs.–cms-20696